Listing your home for sale with a REALTOR

Because selling a home is a complicated process that most people on average do only 3 to 4 times in their lifespan, you want to do it right with the help of a REALTOR®. Here’s why: Expertise: Selling homes is what most REALTORS®, specially listing agents, do day in and day out. It’s like what[…]

Selling your home yourself (FSBO)

Today’s blog post is about selling your home yourself. It’s more commonly known as For Sale By Owner (FSBO). As stated in the previous blog posts, how you want to sell your home depends a lot on what you want out the sale. What is your ultimate goal in selling your home? Is it getting[…]

Selling your homes to investors

Of course, you want to sell your house. There are a myriad of ways you can try to sell it. You can try to sell it as For Sale By Owner (FSBO), sell it to an investor, or try to list it with a REALTOR®. We’ll talk about FSBO and listing w/REALTOR® in other posts.[…]

Your First Showings!

In today’s day and age, the very, very, very first showing you’re ever going to have for your properties is going to be online – on the internet. Real estate buying and selling have come a long way ever since the invent of the internet. Listings are no longer just published in a book. They[…]

The Price is Right!

The Price is Right. Or is it? Whether you’re selling your home yourself or with a REALTOR®, it is crucial that the price is set right from the get go. Before you list your property for sale, make sure to determine the property value. Get some sold comps (comparable sales) in your area including your[…]

Do the benefits out-weigh the costs?

Today’s blog is about really thinking things through before going forward with a refinance. I recently got asked by a new homeowner whether refinancing the mortgage in a couple of years would be a good idea. My short answer was “make sure that the benefits out-weigh the cost of the refinance.” Below points were included[…]

9 Tips for New Homeowners

Not all homeowners have a good idea on what to expect from their first few years of home-ownership. For those of you enjoying your brand new piece of American dream, here are some tips: Join the neighborhood Facebook or Nextdoor group which will cut the time it takes to get oriented with the community. Homes[…]